SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd.
SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd.

Vulnerability Disclosure Policy


SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co. , Ltd. and its affiliates (collectively, "SolaX Power", "we", "us", and "our") respect the security.

This vulnerability disclosure policy applies to any vulnerabilities you are considering reporting to us (the "Organization"). We recommend reading this vulnerability disclosure policy fully before you report a vulnerability and always acting in compliance with it.

We value those who take the time and effort to report security vulnerabilities according to this policy. However, we do not offer monetary rewards for vulnerability disclosures.


If you believe you have found a security vulnerability, please submit your report to us using the following link/email:


In your report please include:

  • Vulnerability Details:

    • Asset (web address, IP Address, product or service name) where the vulnerability can be observed

    • Weakness (e.g. CWE) (optional)

    • Severity (e.g. CVSS v3.0) (optional)

    • Title of vulnerability (mandatory)

    • Description of vulnerability (this should include a summary, supporting files and possible mitigations or recommendations) (mandatory)

    • Impact (what could an attacker do?) (mandatory)

    • Steps to reproduce. These should be a benign, non-destructive, proof of concept. This helps to ensure that the report can be triaged quickly and accurately. It also reduces the likelihood of duplicate reports, or malicious exploitation of some vulnerabilities, such as sub-domain takeovers

    • Optional Contact Details:

    • Name

    • Email Address

What to expect

After you have submitted your report, we will respond to your report within 5 working days and aim to triage your report within 10 working days. We will also aim to keep you informed of our progress.

Priority for remediation is assessed by looking at the impact, severity and exploit complexity. Vulnerability reports might take some time to triage or address. You are welcome to enquire on the status but should avoid doing so more than once every 14 days. This allows our teams to focus on the remediation.

We will notify you when the reported vulnerability is remediated, and you may be invited to confirm that the solution covers the vulnerability adequately.

Once your vulnerability has been resolved, we welcome requests to disclose your report. We would like to unify guidance to affected users, so please do continue to coordinate public release with us.


  • Do NOT:
    • Break any applicable law or regulations

    • Access unnecessary, excessive or significant amounts of data

    • Modify data in the Organization's systems or services

    • Use high-intensity invasive or destructive scanning tools to find vulnerabilities

    • Attempt or report any form of denial of service, e.g. overwhelming a service with a high volume of requests

    • Disrupt the Organization's services or systems

SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd.
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